Bitcoin furture not looking good and close to crushed

bitcoin dropped again to another new low

Bitcoin dropped again this morning to 7506.81after India plans the dreaded exchange regulation.

Now, the price being significantly bellow a mark many people in the UK paid for their crypto currencies Customers are now dealing with a debt much higher than the worth of digital tokens in whatever wallet they use.

a platform in England is concerned about exposure to crypto-risk as it could end up paying the bill for unpaid debts should the price continue to fall saying the continually view their products and procedures and this is part of that? whaaaaaat?

now to follow up with Canada's they have a approved a block chain and shifted their stance from talks of banning all crypto currency together however the US is having credit card firms bann the purchase of cryptocurrencies on their credit cards!

why would they do that? simply put because they and a lot of other countries out there are mad about the money they are missing out on and they want out attention so that either A. they squeeze so hard we have no choice butt to ndon the cryptocurrencies because you would have to go to criminal lengths to obtain them or B. they along with those other countries get control!

Citigroup in the uses still allows the purchases of crypto currencies from credit cards but not for much longer

all of the top 5 u.s credit card companies have announced ban or that they are implementing bans putting more pressure on the cryptocurrency world more info here on what cryptocurrencies are going to experience


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