China is devistating Bitcoin crypotcurrency


China is on the run with the intention of BLOCK ALL WEBSITES related to cryptocurrencies including trading platforms and any form of coin offerings including any platforms that aren't china based as well in their mission to cripple the currency

to prevent any further "damage" to the Chinese yen China is ramping up pressure to abolish cryptocurrency trading in china banning any form of a website or trading plat form china based or not.

china has been missing out on a lot of money from the crypto world and they are strong and not showing and signs of withdrawing their tough stance on banning the currency. overseas transactions and evasion from tax and other things in china has resumed and the official Chinese news media said Monday morning that it is tightening regulations to all investors with the intention of choking out the digital currency because of the "high risk" it brings to the Chinese yen.

with digital traders in furious state of mind some of the traders had kidnaped Jian Jie a founder of an ICO project named arts, to the being municipal financial bureau!!!!

The us and china share the same thoughts on the mission while Canada has a different approach on the digital trading welcoming it with open arms but an a close on how its going to work? 

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