Bitcoin Diversification and how to earn big

Bitcoin Diversification or diversification in bitcoin or investment diversification or diversification of investments

The definition of diversify is- to make or become more diverse or varied or enlarge or vary the range of products or the field of operation.

Bitcoin or investment diversification is- in finance or bitcoin diversification is the process of allocation capital in a way that reduces the exposure to any one particular asset or risk. A common path toward diversification is reduce risk or volatility by investing in a variety of assets.

diversification in finance or bitcoin or cryptocurrency is a way for you to build wealth and it means not to have all of your eggs in one basket, yes you may be invested in the crypto and all of your money is in crypto but that doesn't mean your invested in one thing it just means that your money is transferred to a different currency "crypto currency" but you may have many different investments using that currency.

guys like warren buffet or the wolf of wall street did not get rich or "wealthy" by putting all of their money in 1 particular stock. if you did that then you would not be making a smart move and would most likely loose your money if you didn't know at what exact time or the exact special moment you needed to sell and move on. being diversified or using the practice of diversification will protect you from total lose and has way more upside than down side in my opinion. having many smaller investments versus 1 investment means that if your 4 smaller investments are on the up you will benefit from all 4 or if one is not doing well and the others are then you have the security of 3 investments on the upstroke and can watch the one that isn't doing so hot and decide if it would be a good idea to sell or hold onto it for a while longer.

One thing that is unfortunately common and something I always find myself saying is that people get to far into an investment or to wrapped up in it. in other words they become emotionally connected to or become fanatical about a particular investment because it gave them a return or and is on the down stroke or has always been on the down stroke and you have all your money tucked away in it and you think its going to break out so you hold out and it does nothing for you, then your left with a portfolio that reads a BIG ZERO.

Diversification is so key its critical to your success and wealth and as I said above about people being to attached to something is what I want to prevent. I also want to prevent younger people or any people from being lured into something they know nothing about and suckerd in by scams and fraud or people posting insane stuff on twitter and Instagram or wherever saying you need to put all your money in x or y.

I don't want to see people loose what they are working for or have worked hard for and with my experience and opinion I want to be that crutch for people to fall back on when they aren't sure of where to turn or what the next step should be. I hope this opens your eyes a bit and I hope your make creative, strategic, healthy, steps toward a diverse prosperous portfolio with infinite success! please comment if this helps or if something is missing! I would love to help give this link a read for tips on how to prevent fraud or a scammer from getting you, there are some useful tips on preventing these atrocities from happening to you!!

Take care and best of luck to you all! I wish you nothing but the best in your journey and will continue to provide current up to date tips, tricks and opinions to help your through this no matter your skill level


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