What is Bitcoin-More Information

What is Bitcoin-Explained further

I find a lot of people are asking about Bitcoin and personally I don't blame them especially with all the hype or upbeat chatter we have been hearing about it. I can assure you that NO ONE owns Bitcoin "which we will dive into in a moment" but it still remains a mystery. I was totally skeptical and blown away when I first heard about my relative doing it and having some success including his friend which sounded promising
Bitcoin is still a new currency and people are still unaware of what it is and how to use it including benefit from it. I will do my best to apply my knowledge and provide an excellent more in-depth view of what Bitcoin is from by the book so to speak and economic point of view!

Easy Layman's term of the technical overview

first you should be aware that there are 2 ways to spell Bitcoin, yes that's right and 1 way to spell it is how I just did and the other way to spell it is without a capital B! the first, as a proper noun, is the name of the complete network and server as a total. The other way or version of bitcoin is the version that is the actual units of currency! as an example an investor or someone who has bitcoin can own bitcoin however there is now way for them to own Bitcoin.


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